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Artist Profile: Lena Schmid

Meet the Artist

Lena Schmid Headshot

Lena Schmid is a painter whose work explores how the poetics and physics of time function as a physical force.

Using richly textured surfaces, movement without discernible speed, and cleaving imagery, her work references the kind of slow, strange change experienced in a space long inhabited. She holds an MFA from Hunter College and a BFA from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Lena has exhibited nationally, including at New Release Gallery (NY), the SPRING/ BREAK Art Fair (NY), and Overlap Gallery (RI). She has held multiple Artist in Residence positions, including at the Ellis-Beauregard Foundation, the Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, the TIDES Institute, and the Wassaic Project, where she was their 2018 Education Fellow. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, “What to See in New York Art Galleries This Week,” and Maake Magazine. In 2020, Lena was awarded a Printmaking Fellowship from the New York Foundation for the Arts.